Laundry room with storage cabinets and modern appliances
When preparing for a vacation, there are many things you need to do to prepare. Don’t forget to get your appliances ready for you to be away.
For Your Washer:
Add about a gallon of RV anti-freeze to the tub of the washer
Start the spin cycle. When anti-freeze starts draining, stop the washer.
Unplug power
Locate and disconnect water lines from the valve and take the valve out
Carefully shake the valve to get rid of excess water
Keep fill valves stored in a warm place while you’re away
Keep the washer lid/door open so you don’t come home to mold
Ice Machines
Unplug power
Disconnect that water shut off
Drain water from trough by pulling rubber plug from the bottom of the trough.
Disconnect water lines form the fill valve and remove valve from unit
Shake the valve gently to remove any access water from the valve
Fill valve should be stored in a warm place
If there is an internal filter remove and dispose of this piece. When restarting your ice machine a new filter should be purchased
Store with the door of the unit propped open to prevent smells or mold
If your refrigerator does not have an ice or water then disconnect from power
Make Sure that all hoses and tanks are completely drained
Store with the door of the unit propped open to prevent smells or mold
If your refrigerator has ice and water leave refrigerator plugged in
Disconnect unit from the water shut off on the wall
Disconnect water line to ice maker and let drain
Water will drain out of dispenser, make sure to have a large jug or bucket to catch the water
Disconnect from power
Disconnect water lines from the fill valve and remove valve from unit
Shake the valve gently to remove any access water from the valve
Fill valve should be stored in a warm place
Make sure that all hoses and tanks are completely drained
If there is an internal filter remove and disposeof this piece. Whe restarting your refrigerator a new filter should be purchased
Store with the door of the unit open to prevent smells or mold
Add about half of a gallon of RV anti-freeze to the bottom of the dishwasher
Drain the dishwasher
Unplug from power
Locate and disconnect water lines from the valve and take the valve out
Carefully shake the valve to get rid of excess water
Keep the fill valve in a warm place
Keep the dishwasher door open to prevent smell or mold
Preparing your home for you to be gone for vacation will make coming home so much better, knowing that you won’t come home to broken appliances.