Winter weather always brings on a string of nasty cold and flu viruses around Utah. Did you know your appliances can play a major role in reducing problems with the common cold? Simple things like washing your sheets frequently, vacuuming, and ensuring your refrigerator door is shut tight can make a drastic difference in your families health. Here are a few ways you can stay healthy this winter!
Keep Your Clothes Clean
Your clothes carry a lot of bacteria, especially when you are out and about during the day. When you come home from public places like a grocery store, mall, and the hospital, change your clothes! These high traffic places give you exposure to a lot of germs, which you can transfer to your kids and they can transfer to you (from school).
Keeping your clothes clean can be done with antibacterial soap, and even washers that include special antibacterial modes. Washing at the higher temperatures will help to kill more germs and allows your family to be healthier. If you have an older washer, use the “high-temperature wash” setting as it will aid in killing off a lot of germs.
Families with babies and younger children need to consider using these setting as it is important to reduce the bacteria that could get them sick. Young infants are particularly vulnerable to viruses and serious illnesses like pertussis.
Keep Food Fresh and Healthy
Did you know that 48 million people become sick from food borne illnesses? Eating spoiled food is one of the worst things you can do for yourself and your family. If you don’t want to end up sick, make sure you are eating fresh, healthy food. Your refrigerator plays a critical role in how fresh your food will stay. Use this chart from to help you determine if the food in your fridge is safe to eat:CategoryFoodRefrigerator (40 °F or below)Freezer (0 °F or below)SaladsEgg, chicken, ham, tuna & macaroni salads3 to 5 daysDoes not freeze wellHot dogsopened package1 week1 to 2 monthsunopened package2 weeks1 to 2 monthsLuncheon meatopened package or deli sliced3 to 5 days1 to 2 monthsunopened package2 weeks1 to 2 monthsBacon & SausageBacon7 days1 monthSausage, raw — from chicken, turkey, pork, beef1 to 2 days1 to 2 monthsHamburger & Other Ground MeatsHamburger, ground beef, turkey, veal, pork, lamb, & mixtures of them1 to 2 days3 to 4 monthsFresh Beef, Veal, Lamb & PorkSteaks3 to 5 days6 to 12 monthsChops3 to 5 days4 to 6 monthsRoasts3 to 5 days4 to 12 monthsFresh PoultryChicken or turkey, whole1 to 2 days1 yearChicken or turkey, pieces1 to 2 days9 monthsSoups & StewsVegetable or meat added3 to 4 days2 to 3 monthsLeftoversCooked meat or poultry3 to 4 days2 to 6 monthsChicken nuggets or patties3 to 4 days1 to 3 monthsPizza3 to 4 days1 to 2 months
We also recommend checking the fridge to ensure it is sealing when it closes. Older fridges tend to have worn out hinges and door gaskets, which can lead to problems keeping the fridge cold, and the foods fresh. Call our Ogden office if you need troubleshooting of your fridge.
Washing Pots and Pans and Dishes
The dishwasher takes care of a lot of cleaning needs, but some things might never make it into the dishwasher. If you usually wash your pots and pans by hand, you can have troubles dealing with the cleanliness of your cooking supplies. We can test your dishwasher to ensure the water is hot enough to kill bacteria, and to check for other problems like clogged drains in the dishwasher, or problems with the spray arms, motor, control boards, and water valves.
Check your dishwasher for an antibacterial mode to ensure the dishes are being properly cleaned and sanitized. If you do wash anything by hand, use hot water to kill bacteria.
Clean the Floors
Your shoes carry a lot of germs with them wherever you go! Always make sure you are taking the time to vacuum or mop to keep those floors sanitary. A sturdy vacuum cleaner and a steam mop are the best tools to have to stay clean and bacteria free!
If you have an appliance problem, or you are worried about older appliance not getting the job done, call Vanderdoes Home Services today, 801-731-7150!