Laundry is very time-consuming, and detergent isn’t cheap. As such, if your clothes are smelly after washing them, this can be beyond frustrating. What went wrong? Did you really spend all that time only to need to rewash your clothes?
If your clothes are smelly after washing them, there are a few reasons why this could be. Fortunately, most of the reasons why are things that you can do something about. Here’s what you need to know about some of the most common reasons why your clothes are smelly after washing so that you can save yourself time, effort, and money.

#1. You Left Them In The Washing Machine Too Long
It can be easy to forget about your laundry, especially if you’re a busy person. However, if you leave your clothes in the washing machine for too long before flipping the wash, this can cause them to smell. This is because your washing machine is a warm, wet environment, which can lead to bacterias and germs accumulating on your clothes.
If you do find that you forgot about a load of laundry in your washer, you can simply run it again in order to avoid them coming out of the drier with an “off” odor.
#2. Your Wardrobe Doesn’t Give Them Enough Space To Breathe
Do your clothes smell nice when they come out of the dryer, but then after a few days in your drawers or closet, they start to smell? This can be because they’re not getting enough air circulation. If you love clothes, it can be very tempting to pack your wardrobe as full as possible. However, you want to ensure that there’s sufficient ventilation.
This is because moisture can get trapped in dark, still places. You can hang your clothes out in the sunshine for a few hours in order to help with the “off” smell. If you’re a fashionista, you may consider putting your off-season clothes into storage with some nice scent packets, so that the clothes you’ll be wearing this season have room to breathe.

#3. Your Washing Machine Is Dirty
Sometimes, the very machine that you count on to clean your things is the culprit behind why your clothes are smelly after washing. This is because over time, dirt and bacteria can build up inside of your washing machine – especially if you need to wash soiled clothes.
Depending on how often you use your washing machine, you may need to clean it more or less frequently. If you don’t use it much, you can run a cleaning cycle with a washing machine cleaner or some vinegar once a month. If you use it frequently, then you’ll want to wash it every week or every other week.
#4. You’re Using Too Much Detergent
This sounds counterintuitive, we know. It’s an honest mistake to make: you want to ensure that your clothes get cleaned and smell nice, so you put in as much detergent as you can. However, what this does is cause the excess detergent to remain on your clothes instead of being washed away. This can cause a film to build up that leads to your problem of when your clothes are smelly after washing.
Often, you need less detergent than you think. You want to ensure that you use enough, of course, as not using enough detergent can result in your clothes not being cleaned. Pay attention to how much the detergent container recommends so that you don’t go overboard.
#5. You Overloaded The Machine
Laundry day can be a pain, and it can be tempting to just throw an entire hamper’s work of clothes into the wash at once in an effort to cut down on the time it takes. However, this can backfire. When you overload your washing machine, your clothes don’t have enough room to move around and get clean. When they’re all clumped up, they won’t be able to be cleaned properly – ergo, why your clothes are smelly after washing.

It’s important to be aware of the type of washing machine that you have, too. For instance, if you have an energy-efficient washing machine, these don’t use as much water. Thus, if you want to ensure that your clothes get cleaned and smell nice after being washed, you’ll want to do smaller loads.
Are You Having Issues With Your Washing Machine?
VanderDoes Home Services is here to help! We can help you with your general washing machine questions, as well as with any washing machine repairs that you need. Contact us today to learn more about our services.